
District 8 News from California, Hawaii and Nevada

NATAPAC Event at FWATA Annual Meeting

Ky E. Kugler, D8 Representative to NATAPAC Board of Directors, with San Diego State University AT students. 

On Friday April 26, 2019 the NATAPAC held at event at the Riverwalk Golf Course in San Diego, CA in conjunction with the District 8 annual meeting. It was attended by over 60 ATs and AT students to support the message to shape federal laws that affect the AT profession.  A special beer mug, 3 kinds of craft beer, nacho bar and games were included in the event.  Over $2,900 was raised from the NATAPAC.  Special thanks to all attendees and contributors who came out and enjoyed the fun.











Courtesy of the Public Relations Committee

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Far West Athletic Trainers Association