There is no greater honor than to be recognized by one’s peers.
Thank you for visiting the Honors & Awards Committee Page. Here you will find information on the FWATA awards. There is a description of the Hall of Fame Honor, Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Award and Special Recognition Award. The State Special Service Award is selected by each state. The district awards will be presented at the annual FWATA Awards Banquet during the FWATA Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposium.
Deadline for 2025 award nominations is January 31st, 2025!
Awards, Criteria and Nomination Process
The FWATA Honors and Awards Committee needs your help to make sure our profession’s top contributors are recognized! Any member in good standing may nominate a candidate for these awards to the Honors &Awards Committee. 2025 Nominations accepted November 15, 2024 till January 31st, 2025 .
The FWATA Hall of Fame Award is the highest honor any member of FWATA can achieve. The purpose of this award is to recognize those members who have given outstanding service and dedication to the Athletic Training Profession and FWATA with 25 or more years as an active member of the FWATA. The Hall of Fame Award will be presented at the annual FWATA Awards Banquet during the FWATA Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium.
Automatic Induction
Any member of FWATA who is inducted into the NATA Hall of Fame may be considered to be inducted in the FWATA Hall of Fame at the next scheduled FWATA Annual Meeting.
Nomination into the FWATA Hall of Fame may be made by any active Certified or Retired Athletic Trainer of FWATA.
Must have previously received Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Award.
Eligible 3 years after receiving MDAT Award.
25 years of service as an active Certified member of FWATA.
Must be Certified or Retired member of FWATA.
Must have made contributions to the Athletic Training Profession that has brought distinction to FWATA or be recognized as having given significant service to the FWATA.
Must be nominated and an application submitted to the FWATA Honors and Awards Committee.
Special Considerations
Deceased FWATA members who have not met 25 year length of Service requirement, may be considered if they had, while working in the FWATA, brought distinction to FWATA through their own achievements, contributions and service to the Athletic Training Profession and the FWATA.
Former FWATA members who have moved to another district and are members in good standing in that district may be eligible for the FWATA Hall of Fame providing: •They were a member in good standing of FWATA for a minimum of 15 years.
They have had a total of 25 years active membership in the NATA.
That while a member of FWATA they brought distinction to the FWATA through their own achievements, contributions and service to the Athletic Training profession and FWATA.
The FWATA Honors and Awards Chairperson will annually consider FWATA Hall of Fame nominations that are submitted by the general membership of FWATA. The Honors and Awards Chairperson will screen member biographical information and eligibility requirements, to develop a list of eligible candidates for evaluation and selection for induction by the Hall of Fame Committee composed of members of the FWATA Honors and Awards Committee.
The purpose of this award is to recognize those members who have given outstanding service and dedication to the Athletic Training Profession and FWATA with 20 or more years as an active member of the FWATA. Their time may have been given in the nature of holding office, chairperson or active member of committees, behind the scenes work, etc. The contribution to the District has made significant impact on FWATA. The Most Distinguished Award will be presented at the annual FWATA Awards Banquet during the FWATA Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium.
20 years of service as an active Certified member of FWATA.
Must be Certified or Retired member of FWATA.
Must have made contributions to the Athletic Training Profession that has brought distinction to FWATA or be recognized as having given significant service to the FWATA.
Must be nominated and an application submitted to the FWATA Honors and Awards Committee.
Special Considerations
Deceased FWATA members who have not met 20 year length of Service requirement, may be considered if they had, while working in the FWATA, brought distinction to FWATA through their own achievements, contributions and service to the Athletic Training Profession and the FWATA.
FWATA members who moved to the FWATA from another district where they were an active member in good standing may be eligible for the FWATA Hall of Fame Award providing:
They have been a member in good standing of FWATA for a minimum of 10 years.
They have had a total of 20 years active membership in the NATA.
The FWATA Honors and Awards Chairperson will annually consider FWATA Most Distinguished nominations that are submitted by the general membership of FWATA. The Honors and Awards Chairperson will screen member biographical information and eligibility requirements, to develop a list of eligible candidates for evaluation and selection for induction by the FWATA Honors and Awards Committee.
The purpose of this award is to recognize those members who have given outstanding service and dedication to the Athletic Training Profession and FWATA with 25 or more years as an active member of the FWATA. Their time may have been given in the nature of holding office, chairperson or active member of committees, or actively providing service to the organization. The contribution to the District has made a significant impact on FWATA. The Bill Chambers Lifetime Achievement award will be presented at the annual FWATA Awards Banquet during the FWATA Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium.
25 years of service as an active Certified member of FWATA.
Must be a Certified or Retired member of FWATA.
Must have served FWATA in some capacity for at least 20 years.
Must be nominated and an application submitted to the FWATA Honors and Awards Committee.
Special Considerations
Deceased FWATA members who have not met 25 year length of Service requirement, may be considered if they had, while working in the FWATA, brought distinction to FWATA through their own achievements, contributions and service to the Athletic Training Profession and the FWATA.
The FWATA Honors and Awards Chairperson will annually consider FWATA Bill Chambers Lifetime Achievement nominations that are submitted by the general membership of FWATA. The Honors and Awards Chairperson will screen member biographical information and eligibility requirements, to develop a list of eligible candidates for evaluation and selection for induction by the FWATA Honors and Awards Committee.
The purpose of this award is to recognize those Certified Athletic Trainers or a non-member, i.e. physician, educator, mentor, supporter, etc., who have and/or are making a significant contribution of their time and energy to FWATA. They are actively working in some capacity towards the betterment and promotion of FWATA. To be eligible for nomination for the FWATA Special Recognition Award a member or non-member’s contribution should encompass two or more States. The Special Recognition Award will be presented at the Awards Banquet during the FWATA Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium.
The purpose of this award is to recognize those Certified Athletic Trainers or non-members who have and/or are making a significant contribution at the state or local level of their time and energy. The Award will be given annually to individuals in each of the California, Hawaii and Nevada regions. Nominators should consult with appropriate state representatives for the specific requirements and nomination process in each state.
Nominators will be notified if their candidate has met the required qualifications and their nominee will receive an email of their nomination. The HOF, MDAT and Special Recognition awards require a candidate to complete an application and submit supporting materials (letters of recommendation, vitae, etc.). We recommend you allow ample time for the candidate to complete these materials by submitting your nominations early.
The online nomination form should be submitted between November 15th - January 31st to: fwatahonors@gmail.com
NATA Honors & Awards
The NATA committee is comprised of the Honors and Awards Committee chair and chairs from each of the committees under its jurisdiction (Hall of Fame Committee, Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Committee, Athletic Training Service Award Committee, Specialty Awards Committee, and Fellows Committee). The purpose of this committee is to oversee and evaluate the Association’s Honors and Awards program. Each committee will strive for employment diversity representing at least one member employed at the high school, college/university, clinic/corporate/occupational and professional team settings. The Hall of Fame Committee, the Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Committee, the Athletic Trainer Service Award Committee and the Specialty Awards Committee will select one member from each NATA district to serve on their committee. The National Awards committee has created profile guidance in an effort to encourage and assist members as they seek to recognize colleagues who are most deserving. This document will stimulate thought and provide a starting place for those who nominate as well as for those who are nominated for an NATA Award. There is a description of each award, the eligibility requirements, and the nomination process. All nominations are sent to the Honors and Awards Committee for review. The committee uses a grading tool to score the nominations. Some awards have a minimum score which must be attained. It is very important that all sections of applications (see below) and all areas described for letters of recommendation are included.
2024 Award Winners