
District 8 News from California, Hawaii and Nevada

Brian Cable Named CCCATA Athletic Trainer of the Year

mug_brian cableCongratulations to Brian Cable for being named the 2015 Athletic Trainer of the Year for the California Community College Athletic Trainers Association.

Brian Cable has worked as a Certified Athletic Trainer at Cerritos College since July 2000. Brian attended Fullerton College out of high school and found his passion for the profession when he took the Introduction to Athletic Training Class from CCCAA Hall of Fame Member Bill Chambers. He went on to receive his Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education with an emphasis in Athletic Training at California State University, Long Beach in 1996 and then his Master’s Degree in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Biomechanics at California State University, Fullerton.

Prior to working at Cerritos College, Brian worked at Western High School in Anaheim, for 1 year at Santa Ana College, and for 1 season in professional soccer. In addition to his duties at Cerritos he has also taught part-time in the Athletic Training Program at Cal State Long Beach for the last 10 years.

Brian spent the last 9 years being involved on the executive board of the CCCATA with the last 3 years serving as President of that organization. Those 9 years saw many legislative changes including an extensive update of Bylaw 9, mandating AED’s at each CCCAA contest, and the creation of statewide concussion policies. Brian continues to represent the California Community College Athletic Trainer’s while serving on the College and University Athletic Trainer’s Committee of District 8 for the NATA.

Brian is married to Rosan and they have 5 sons ranging in age from 12-22.

Brian will be honored at the CCCAA Honor our Own luncheon on Thursday April 2nd at 11:30 am. The event takes place during the CCCAA Spring meeting at the Doubletree in Ontario, California.


Courtesy of the CCCATA

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Far West Athletic Trainers Association