
District 8 News from California, Hawaii and Nevada

Cal Baptist Athletic Training Student Organization Leads the Way

Pancake1In Riverside, California, the Athletic Training Student Organization (ATSO) at California Baptist University has been quite busy accomplishing club-wide goals the past few months.  They held an Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser that was a huge success and brought in over $700 to meet the club’s goal to financially assisting members in paying for FWATA’s Annual Meeting in San Diego this year.  ATSO members served breakfast, sold raffle tickets and connected with CBU students, faculty, families, friends, preceptors and members of the Riverside community.  Every person played a vital part in supporting the student organization and the goal to get to FWATA.

Lancer1One week later, a few dedicated graduate and undergraduate members volunteered at the Lancer 5000 Fundraiser, manning water and first aid stations while spreading the word about ATSO and the Athletic Training profession.

At the end of February, more than half of ATSO attended the CATA Symposium and Conference in Sacramento.  Amazing speakers shared their knowledge about getting involved and being a better Athletic Trainer, on a personal level and professional level.  On Sunday night, ATSO’s Annual Meeting Committee Chair organized a student dinner to help facilitate networking between AT programs.  About 50 students attended to decompress, mingle, and work on their selfie game after a successful day at the symposium. That Monday, they were joined by the rest of the club and over 180 certified athletic trainers and athletic training students to Hit the Hill at the State Capitol Building.  CBU.HTHMembers of ATSO and CATA marched to the offices of senate and assemblymen and women so spread the word about AB 161, fighting for the Title Protection of Athletic Trainers in California.  It was an amazing experience for all the members who attended to see the passion and drive of our profession.  It has truly been a wonderful semester so far and it should be safe to say with FWATA and the second years’ graduation coming up, it will only get better!


Courtesy of Sarah Beene, Cal Baptist University Athletic Training Student Organization President

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