
District 8 News from California, Hawaii and Nevada

Jill Wosmek Receives FWATA PR Excellence in Athletic Training Award


Alisha Glass & Jill Wosmek

The FWATA Public Relations Committee is pleased to announce the winter quarter winner of the Excellence in Athletic Training Award. Each quarter, the Excellence in Athletic Training Award celebrates District 8 athletic trainers or athletic training student members who display an exceptional commitment to mentoring, professional development or enhancing the quality of health care.

This quarter’s winner is Jill Wosmek, MA, ATC.  Jill has been the Head Athletic Trainer for the USA National Women’s Volleyball Team since 2009 and will be traveling to Rio with the team for the 2016 Summer Olympics.

Jill was quoted as saying, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I am sure I am like many athletic trainers in saying that I am humble and grateful for the opportunities that this profession has provided.  I will continue to work hard and hopefully proudly represent the NATA and FWATA.”

Please join us in congratulating Jill on winning the Excellence in Athletic Training Award.

Aaron Brock, Director of Sports Medicine and Performance to the U.S. National Teams and
Athletic Trainer to the U.S. Men’s National Team submitted the following letter recommending Jill Wosmek.

Submission Letter



Courtesy of the FWATA PR Committee

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Far West Athletic Trainers Association