
District 8 News from California, Hawaii and Nevada

Justin Porta Wins Excellence in Athletic Training Award

The FWATA Public Relations Committee is pleased to announce the 2019 Spring Quarter winner of the Excellence in Athletic Training Award. Each quarter, the Excellence in Athletic Training Award celebrates District 8 athletic trainers or athletic training student members who display an exceptional commitment to mentoring, professional development, or enhancing the quality of healthcare.

This quarter’s winner is Justin Porta MS, ATC, CSCS. Justin is the Head Athletic Trainer at Mission Hills High School in San Marcos, CA. In addition, he serves as Vice President of the San Diego High School Athletic Trainers’ Association. This past fall, Justin hosted an Eric Paredes Save A Life cardiac screening, which resulted in screening 860 youths. Of those screened, 13 were found to have cardiac abnormalities, and 6 were at risk for Sudden Cardiac Arrest. He fundraised for the overhead costs and coordinated volunteers for the event.

Justin’s colleague, Christina Scherr, said of him, “It has been an honor to have him as a colleague and someone I call to bounce ideas. He is always ready to help with anything I ask on the CATA level, and in turn, has no issues with calling me to inquire about an issue. If I mention that I might need help with something (anything really), his response is always, “just let me know what you need.” If I don’t ask, he will call or text and ask me what time he should be there to help. He never stops working for us. There is really no way for me to put his service, commitment, and motivation in words.”

When told about his award, Justin stated, “Knowing that this Excellence in Athletic Training Award nomination comes from my colleagues belief in what I do, simply because I love this profession, is incredible on its own; but to be selected by the committee among other deserving nominees is an amazing compliment I am delighted to accept. A heartfelt thanks goes out to those who have continually encouraged me and have allowed me to be of service to others.”

Please join us in congratulating Justin on winning the Excellence in Athletic Training Award!

Courtesy of the Public Relations Committee

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Far West Athletic Trainers Association