
District 8 News from California, Hawaii and Nevada

Mt SAC ATs work with the LA84 Foundation

Mt. SAC Athletic Trainers and students working with the LA 84 Foundation of Los Angeles Youth Days on March 21st-22nd. Athletic Training Staff provided medical overage for 5500 Elementary through Middle School aged track and field athletes from all over the Southern California area. The LA 84 Foundation was formed through the success of the 1984 Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles. The organization’s mission is to promote the Olympic spirit and to also promote the sport of Track and Field and an active and healthy lifestyle.

In attendance were Certified Athletic Trainers – Rowel Arriola, Leslie Cardoza, Vanessa Pai, Mike Landas, Bill Ito (medical coordinator). 
Student Athletic Trainers – Randy Harris  , Pratik Patel (CSUF – ATEP), Kym Rosas (CSULB- ATEP), Yusuke Ohashi (CSULB- ATEP), Celiana Vargas Guerra (ULV- ATEP), Josh Masmela (APU- ATEP), Charissa Tam (APU- ATEP), Brian Smith.

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