
District 8 News from California, Hawaii and Nevada

Proposed NATA Bylaw Changes

At our Annual FWATA Business Meeting during the Virtual AMCS program, eligible FWATA members will be voting on some prosed NATA bylaw changes.  These changes were approved by the NATA Board of Directors last fall, and is now going to each District Meeting to be voted on by all eligible NATA members.  Please read the attached memo which explains this process.  There are also three documents that the Board of Directors has prepared for your review, prior to voting at our FWATA Business Meeting.  Attached you will find a clean version of the proposed bylaws, a marked-up version of the bylaws that shows the deletions and additions specifically, and a documents which provides an appropriate rationale for each.  Please contact District Director, Lyn Nakagawa at with any questions about the proposed changes or the process.



Courtesy of the FWATA Managing Board

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Far West Athletic Trainers Association