
District 8 News from California, Hawaii and Nevada

EDAC Service Events at NATA

The Ethnic Diversity Advisory Committee had two very successful service events during the FWATA Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium thanks to our wonderful volunteers. In collaboration with Be The Match, EDAC was able to recruit 30 new potential donors in person and another 30 online. Also, EDAC was able to speak to the sports medicine students at a local high school and further their interest in the athletic training profession.

As #NATA2018 approaches, I would like to inform you all about the EDAC service events and educational sessions during the convention. EDAC will be holding a Sports Safety & Wellness Camp at the Ochsner Sports Performance Center on June 26th. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Maijah Williams at and a volunteer link will be sent to you.

Also, EDAC will be holding an educational session on June 27th and a Town Hall & Social on June 28th. Please look for these events in your NATA convention guide.








Courtesy of EDAC Committee

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Far West Athletic Trainers Association