
District 8 News from California, Hawaii and Nevada

Bailey Arnheim Games 2015

article_BAGsCalifornia State University of Northridge’s (CSUN) Athletic Training Club and Program had been cordially invited to California State University of Long Beach (CSULB) Sports Medicine Club’s 9th annual Bailey Arnheim Games (BAGs). The event was held on Sunday March 8th early morning. With the time change Sunday all of the participants lost and hour of sleep, but that did not stop any one from attending the games and putting in all of our effort. Athletic Training Programs, College Sports Medicine Clubs, Athletic Training Clubs, and Community Colleges showed up to have fun representing their school.With everyone wearing polo’s CSUN decided to change their attire and wear a their National Athletic Training Month Shirt’s.

As Evamarie Balderas CSULB Sports Medicine Club President & BAGs Coordinator mentioned in her invitation that the clubs objective for the event is to raise the bar for athletic training students regarding their retention of information and the application of their education. Students of all levels were welcomed and were equally encouraged to participate in order to advance their skills of evaluation, taping, problem-solving, and teamwork as well as expand their knowledge and listen to some outstanding speakers.

article_BAGs GroupBefore the games started all participants gathered in a lecture hall to listen to Scott Sailor,National Athletic Training Association  (NATA) President. He educated the participants about what he does as a President and shed light on his journey, other association or organizations that Athletic Trainers are affiliated, and encouraged students to not hesitate to make connections and how important networking is. Scott Sailor informed everyone about NATA and what it means to be an Athletic Trainer and most importantly what it means to be an Athletic Training Student. His speech was very motivating and a great way to begin the games.

article_BAGs TapingThe first activity of the event was the tape relay, which included taping the ankle, thumb, and preventing hyperextension of the elbow, wrist and hand. Majority of institutions had two teams per institution. As each institution encouraged their own teams they were also supportive of other. It was a competitive but fun way to get everyone pumped before lunch.

CSUN had a chance to bond with each other and CSULB students a long with their preceptor Junior ACI, ATC from El Camino Community College. We all shared our experiences and future goals. After we filled our stomachs we headed to the lecture hall where we were all challenged in the BAG’s Quiz Bowl. CSUN was in the lead the first round but quickly fell in second place in the second round as CSULB Sports Medicine Club/Program took the lead. Though Mladen Kerekes second year CSUN ATS commented that “Last year I attended BAG’s and participated in the Quiz Bowl and didn’t like that for the quiz bowl portion they used the same questions as last year therefore not really challenging students intellectually that came last year making the event unfair advantage to those students who attended the Quiz bowl for the first time.”  After the brain teaser was over one of CSUN preceptor Chad Peters ACI, ATC at College of the Canyons, shared his experience going through  Moorpark Community College experience to going four year university and his path on becoming certified. He shared his experience growing up riding motorcross bikes and with the help of his mentors and peers he was able to work the X-Games. Chad explained how important it was to understand the lingo and culture of a sport because it helps to relate and or treat the athletes as well as understanding the surroundings of the event. It was great to hear that there are Athletic Trainers in non traditional settings. It was an eye opener that there are many opportunities to work in various settings in the field of Athletic Training.

article_BAGs TriviaAfter listening to another inspiring speech it was time for mock evaluations and the 40 yard dash. For the mock evaluation Cory Springer second year ATS and Allison Castillo second year ATS represented CSUN. For the 40 yard dash coming in second place representing CSUN was Marc Millner second year ATS and Gregory McDougal second year ATS. They carried coolers, 10 gallon, a portable table, kit, splint bag, spine board, etc. Their peers cheered them on as they ran against other schools. With the event coming to a close and awards being handed out CSUN came in overall 3rd place.

The overall event was one to remember and enjoyable to challenge ourselves and meet people prior to our big FWATA meeting in San Diego. Hayley Vietti first year CSUN ATS stated ” I enjoyed BAG’s as it started the path of connectivity between fellow ATS/aspiring ATC’s that I will have relations with for the next few decades of my life. It was great that we all challenged and cheered each other on without any discouragement. It was insightful hearing about other programs and how they are structured and sharing similar and different experiences that we’ve had so far.” Kelia Barkow first year CSUN ATS stated “This was my first time attending the Bailey Arnheim Games, and I thought it was a fun experience! I liked that it gave us a chance to bond with other students in different programs and find out what their program experience is like. I also liked that we had speakers who are very involved in the field and could give us a good professional insight on what’s happening in the AT world. I also really like that we could bond with our own second years since we don’t spend much time together due to our class schedule and rotation. Overall I thought it was a fun experience that I would definitely do again!” California State University of Northridge Athletic Training Program and club thanks CSULB for inviting CSUN every year.


Courtesy of CSULB Athletic Training

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