
District 8 News from California, Hawaii and Nevada

Daniela Medina: Army Strong Athletic Trainer

FWATA April 2014 089Mt.San Antonio College Athletic Trainer Andy Paulin, invited his former student, Daniela Medina, to the athletic training room to visit with current athletic training students. Daniela is currently an athletic training student at Cal Baptist University in Riverside, California. But besides her participation in her ATEP, she serves in the Army reserves which she has been doing since she graduated high school.

Daniela spent the morning conversing with athletic training students from Azusa Pacific University, University of La Verne, CSU Fullerton and Chapman University. After working the baseball game with the athletic training staff, Daniela and several members of the armed forces were recognized for their service to the armed forces.

131Paulin commented,” Daniela is an outstanding role model, especially for the young professionals and current athletic training students. Imagine all of the work involed in your community college, undergraduate and graduate studies, and clinical rotations, then add the tremendous responsibility of being an Army Reservist. Don’t forget to add deployments to the Middle East on top of your workload!”



Courtesy of Mt. San Antonio College Sports Medicine




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Far West Athletic Trainers Association