
District 8 News from California, Hawaii and Nevada

FWATA Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament in Kona

The newly re-opened ocean front Kona Country Club was a wonderful course to host the annual FWATA Scholarship Golf Tournament.  49 golfers made up the field on this beautiful Thursday afternoon on the Big Island of Hawai’i. The field was sent off and wished well by NATA President Scott Sailor, FWATA District Director Carolyn Peters and other board members for an early afternoon shotgun start. The “Flag-Stick Riders” Shannon Bracy, Rhett Kretter, Todd Conger, and Ed Stroman took the championship and are proud new owners of Nike Golf Bags.

The tournament raised close to $11 000 in scholarship money, surpassing last year’s fundraising effort. Other than to the golfers, who made this event another success, a big shout belongs to the Title Sponsors: Ian Duncan, MD; Mueller Sports Medicine (Jeff Mueller); Nelson Family (Jeff Nelson), Townsend Design (Kurt Townsen) and California Athletic Trainers association. We’d also like to thank our Tournament sponsors All State Insurance (Rick Kunkleman, Break 80 (TG Thomas and College of the Desert Sports Medicine (Todd Conger), 23 Tee and 20 Product Sponsors without whom we couldn’t guarantee as much fun, and, most importantly, raise money for scholarships for the future in athletic training. We are looking forward to seeing everybody at Las Vegas National Golf Club on April 27, 2017.

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Far West Athletic Trainers Association