
District 8 News from California, Hawaii and Nevada

LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee Infographic

As part of a new initiative to get tools, resources, and information out to the membership of District 8 – the LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee is excited to start sharing new resources the committee has developed during every FWATA email campaign.

This month we’re sharing with you an infographic that was developed by our committee on how to create an inclusive and welcoming Athletic Training Facility. This infographic, which essentially serves as a checklist, can help you determine areas of improvement for your facility.

To view the infographic simply click here.

Creating an inclusive facility is a great step towards adopting a more equitable healthcare practice. If you have any questions regarding the information in this infographic, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Best Regards from your District 8 Representatives,

Sean Rogers, DAT, ATC
California State University, Northridge

Mimi Nakajima, EdD, ATC
California State University, Longbeach

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Far West Athletic Trainers Association