
District 8 News from California, Hawaii and Nevada

Supporting the NATA Foundation

Supporting the NATA Foundation
by Ky E. Kugler, EdD, ATC, District 8 Chair

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are living during a time that will go down in history as one of the most challenging – personally, professionally, and financially. This is especially true for a nonprofit such as the NATA Foundation.

Our donations are currently down more than 40%, yet we have not reduced our programmatic impact on the AT profession (scholarships, research grants, position statements, free communications and mentor programs). However, to ensure that we continue opportunities to Athletic Trainers at all stages of their careers, we need YOUR help.

So that we can plan for the opportunities the Foundation can continue to provide, we are requesting that you consider partnering with the Foundation by joining the Circle of Champions. Dependable, regularly scheduled contributions are critical to future planning for the Foundation. Perhaps, you were a past scholarship or research grant recipient and have yet to “pay it forward” as a new Foundation donor. Or perhaps, you now have established your career with some financial stability. Perhaps, you are a donor already to the Foundation, but not part of the COC monthly support initiative. Whatever, the reason is – NOW is the time for you to join the Circle of Champions.

As your District 8, FWATA Chair to the Board of Directors, the Foundation has challenged me and the D8 memberships to recruit 50 new members to join the Circle of Champions with a monthly gift of $10/month for the next year. Of course, joining the Circle of Champions and automating your gift is voluntary. Your instructions can be changed or cancelled at any time. If you would be willing to automate your gift, click here.

Being a member of the Circle of Champions has several benefits including:
• Your membership of the Circle of Champions signifies your support of the athletic training profession to your peers and is recognized during District 8 and NATA annual meetings. You are also given a Circle of Champions lapel pin to proudly wear, showing your commitment to the advancement of the profession.
• Gift automation – you set up your instructions, then your donations happen automatically (no need to “remember” to give). And most importantly,
• Gift automation allows the Foundation to plan for the future based on an expected level of monthly support.

One final incentive from me and other members of the NATA Foundation team. The first 10 people from D8 who accept this challenge can have their donation matched by myself and another colleague. In other words, decide that you can only afford $5/month, with the match, your contribution and donation becomes $10/month and we are one more (or a total of 10 new donors) closer to our goal of 50 new D8 members.

So, how about it, are you ready to help and join the COC?

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Far West Athletic Trainers Association