Patricia Cardenas Receives FWATA PR Excellence in Athletic Training Award
The FWATA Public Relations Committee is pleased to announce the fall quarter winner of the Excellence in Athletic Training Award. Each quarter, the Excellence in Athletic Training Award celebrates District 8 athletic trainers or athletic training student members who display an exceptional commitment to mentoring, professional development or enhancing the quality of health care.
This quarter’s winner is Patricia Cardenas MS, ATC of Mission San Jose High School, Fremont, CA.
“I am very humbled to have been selected for this honor. I would especially like to thank my mentor, Dave Stenger, for many years of advice and guidance. Thank you of course to FWATA for everything they do on behalf of this profession. I’d also like to express my appreciation to my friends and family who are so supportive of me and my crazy athletic trainer’s schedule, and have at times been put to work to help make heel and lace pads or inventorying rolls of tape!” writes Patricia.
Please help us in congratulating Patricia.
Samuel M. Baugh Head Coach, Mission San Jose High School Football submitted the following letter recommending Patricia.
MSJHS Concussion Management Protocol
Courtesy of the FWATA PR Committee
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